News and Stories

A war zone is no place for a child to grow up.

Seeing your family and friends torn apart by violence is hard to understand for anyone, let alone a vulnerable child. There are millions of people who have crossed the border into neighbouring countries, and millions more who are desperate for refuge.

ChildFund is responding to this emergency by launching an integrated emergency programme in Ukraine and Moldova.

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We're always trying new things at ChildFund New Zealand. At ChildFund, we are always looking for new ways to increase support for children living in Kenya, Zambia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Timor-Leste and the Pacific (our dedicated communities). As part of...
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At ChildFund New Zealand, we believe that change begins when the basic needs of children and youth are met: they are educated; they are healthy, in healthy homes and communities; and their families have secure livelihoods. Improved access to water and...
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