Sponsored child Samuel back at school after bowel operation

Sponsored child Samuel back at school after bowel operation | ChildFund New Zealand

I say a big thank you to ChildFund for taking me to the hospital, paying for the costs and helping me get well and a big thank you to my sponsor. I feel good now, I am much better and I have gone back to school. God bless you, thank you.”   

Samuel, ChildFund New Zealand sponsored child.

ChildFund helps sponsored children

Ten-year-old Samuel* lives in Emali, Kenya with his family and is now back at school after help from the local ChildFund team. 

He is learning how to write his name and how to read and he is also learning how to bathe himself and use a toilet. But perhaps best of all is that Samuel is playing with other children and making friends.  

Previously Samuel could not go to school as a medical condition meant he couldn't control his bowel and he would soil himself often. Leaving him not only with little confidence to interact with other children, but also with a swollen, sore tummy. 

With the help of local ChildFund staff, his parents were able to take him to Kenyatta National Hospital for tests where he was diagnosed with acute indigestion and where he had two surgeries to correct his colon.

ChildFund helps children access better healthcare

At hospital Samuel was also diagnosed with an intellectual development disability and through this professional diagnosis he was able to enroll in a school appropriate for his learning needs. Also he is now included in national register for people with disabilities meaning his family can access more help. 

Samuel lives with seven brothers and sisters (three who have intellectual disabilities) and his parents who rely on casual labour work for income. 

ChildFund New Zealand's work in Emali

With your support we can help more children like Samuel.

ChildFund Road Maps are planned, implemented and managed with the community. With your support through monthly giving, we can help Emali reach its goal by 2026 of self-sufficiency in providing the basics to its children through improved access to water, sanitation, education, health, safety and livelihood opportunities for their families, so they can have better futures.  

If you would like to help children, join us in reaching this goal with Emali. Become a child sponsor or a monthly Child Essentials giver. Thank you so much for working with ChildFund New Zealand, one of the best charities in New Zealand helping children.


*child's name changed for protection.