News and Stories

The International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women is this week but sadly the daily reality of domestic abuse still exists for 64% of women in Papua New Guinea. ChildFund Technical Advisor Sally Angelson writes why ChildFund's 1-Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain in PNG, a helpline for survivors of gender-based violence, is not just important, it's vital.
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ChildFund New Zealand is implementing a five-year project in PNG with funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and supporters. The project will train teachers at 17 high schools to teach their students about gender equality, violence prevention, consent, and building respectful relationships. We call the programme Rights, Respect, Resilience.
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New Zealand and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) have today announced a partnership to increase the social and emotional wellbeing of vulnerable children, youth and their families in the Pacific and Southeast Asia region. 

Learn more about the partnership through this press release, and a video from our Programme Director, Quenelda Clegg.

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Thanks to our monthly donors and sponsors, ChildFund is responding to COVID-19 in 60 countries worldwide. Having established, solid local partnerships in place and being part of an international alliance is key to ChildFund New Zealand in helping children thrive....
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There is no denying it: in New Zealand, we are closely linked with those living in our neighbouring Pacific island nations. In fact, more than 20 percent of those living in New Zealand identify as either Māori or Pacific Islanders....
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