News and Stories

The International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women is this week but sadly the daily reality of domestic abuse still exists for 64% of women in Papua New Guinea. ChildFund Technical Advisor Sally Angelson writes why ChildFund's 1-Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain in PNG, a helpline for survivors of gender-based violence, is not just important, it's vital.
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ChildFund New Zealand is implementing a five-year project in PNG with funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and supporters. The project will train teachers at 17 high schools to teach their students about gender equality, violence prevention, consent, and building respectful relationships. We call the programme Rights, Respect, Resilience.
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As part of the global ChildFund Alliance, our programmes reach some of the most vulnerable, excluded and deprived children in the world. In this letter, Dina Taddia shares about the recent situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and what ChildFund is doing.
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Just over USD$500 million (less than USD$1 per child and 0.9% of total development investments), went directly towards ending violence against children between 2017 and 2018 Over one billion children experience violence every year, costing world economies between USD$2 trillion to USD$7 trillion annually It is estimated that 85 million extra children are at risk...
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