News and Stories

There is a saying in Kenya that when you educate a woman you educate an entire community. Meet 23 year old Jackline from Kenya, a child sponsor since the age of 5, who went on to complete school and gain a teaching qualification. Now she not only gives back to her community as a teacher but as a ChildFund youth group mentor too, helping to keep young people in school.


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Most Kiwis won’t be too familiar with Moringa, a mineral-rich, fast-growing and hardy tree that offers multiple food sources and health benefits. But with a growing focus on healthy foods, especially vegan and vegetarian, it's hard not to see this highly nutritious plant as the next best thing since kale, goji berries or chia seeds. 
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ChildFund New Zealand has worked with communities in Emali, Kenya for over four years to successfully grow, harvest and sell the superfood Moringa, aka the “Miracle Tree”. Now, on the back of ChildFund supported business training, a local collective Emuka has taken Moringa to the next level by processing it into a range of market-ready products.  



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