ChildFund’s Road Maps paving better futures for children

ChildFund’s Road Maps paving better futures for children | ChildFund New Zealand

ChildFund New Zealand’s unique Road Map approach to supporting communities in becoming self-reliant is about a community in need having a self-devised strategic plan with clear goals, measurable outcomes and a time frame.

Then after a set period of time, ChildFund is able to leave that community equipped and empowered with the tools it needs to do projects itself and to provide for its children, and move on to helping another community in need. 

Key to the Road Maps process is having a strong relationship with a local partner who is able to work directly with the community in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the projects that form the Road Map document. Also key in the approach is that all projects are established in consultation with community stakeholders such as parent groups, government, teachers, children and local leaders.

 “An aim of our work is that long-term aid does not create dependencies,” ChildFund Director of Programmes Quenelda Clegg says.

“From the very beginning there was stakeholder buy in with the Road Maps – parents, children, government, teachers and community leaders. We have seen our partners become stronger because of this and we have seen our partners and our communities embrace the Road Map documents.”

ChildFund New Zealand has been working in dedicated areas for about 12 years and started doing Road Maps in 2016 once strong relationships had been established and local partners could be identified.

Quenelda says the relationships are built on having a proven track record together and also on trust, which is central to the process as it helps the flow of information between stakeholders and  it allows for feedback including anonymously.

“It ensure that all voices are heard and are equal though the whole process including from woman, children, minority ethnic groups and people with disabilities.”

Three year evaluations are done to track the impact on children and to measure, for example, what infrastructure has been built.

“We want to understand what that impact is and we want to see how it is helping children thrive.”

As a child sponsor or a child essentials monthly giver, you are making all this work possible. Thank you so much.

Accountable Now is a global group of civil society organisation (including development, humanitarian, environmental, rights based and advocacy groups) supporting transparency, responsiveness and a delivery impact focus of which ChildFund New Zealand is a member.  

After applauding our Road Map approach in its recent Strategic Partnerships report, they invited our Director of Programmes Quenelda Clegg to talk to its international members about the Road Map process of planning, setting, implementing, monitoring and measuring goals and why having strong local partnerships are key to its success. 

Click here to listen to Quenelda’s webinar about Road Maps.