2021 Annual Report: Thanks to you, our results keep getting better and better!

2021 Annual Report: Thanks to you, our results keep getting better and better!

To everyone who has supported ChildFund in the past year, thank you! It's because of your incredible generosity that we've been able to have a record year helping children and youth to thrive. 

Let's be real here - 2020 and 2021 haven't been easy for anyone, regardless of where you live. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, we were preparing for all types of scenarios. We continued to optimise our fundraising in order to reduce unnecessary costs and increase the amount of impact we were having overseas. 

Despite the uncertainty that the last 18 months has brought, we are proud to share that ChildFund has been able to achieve some significant milestones, thanks to your ongoing support. Click here to read our 2021 Annual Report. 

So, what was so special about the last year? 

  • ChildFund and MFAT kicked off an $11.2m programme to reach 100,000 young people in the Pacific and Asia! 
  • ChildFund reduced our operating and fundraising costs, which enabled us to create more impact in our programme communities (sending $1m above what we distributed in 2020)! 
  • ChildFund completed its fifth year of our Road Map programmes - and recorded some significant improvements in our dedicated communities! 
  • ChildFund developed some innovative partnerships with Supergenerous and AA Smarfuel, along with ChildFund Rugby and WeWorld! 
  • ChildFund supporters completed a feedback survey, and the results are in our report! 
  • And much more! 

Click here to read all of the incredible results from 2021!