In a nutshell here's what we do at ChildFund New Zealand


With help from supporters and our partners both overseas and in New Zealand, and through our progressive approach to community development and fundraising, here's what we do at ChildFund New Zealand in a nutshell.

Children are our why. Through the generosity of our supporters and in collaboration with our partners, we help children to access stronger, healthier futures and better outcomes through better access to the basics of: water and sanitation; health and nutrition; education; child protection and better livelihood opportunities for their families.

Working with communities, ChildFund help families access income so they can better feed, care and educate their children; through child sponsorship we help keep children in education; we work with communities towards self sufficiency so they can provide the basics their children need to be safe, healthy, educated and heard; we build toilets and facilities so children can access safe, clean water and sanitation; we upgrade medical centres in rural, marginalised places so children can access healthcare; and we ensure projects continue that help protect children, women and vulnerable groups.

We work in six dedicated communities. In the pacific we work in Kiribati, Solomon Islands and PNG. In Asia we work in Vietnam, Timor Leste and Sri Lanka, and Africa we work in Kenya and Zambia.

We work with these communities through local partners to our unique Road Map plan to community development. Our Road Maps are a plan of strategic goals that have been identified, selected, implemented and monitored with the community. Having established, strong, trusted local relationships with our local partners, with whom we have a proven track record with, enables us to do this work. Our aim is that these communities become self-sufficient in providing the basics to their children so we can move on to help another community.

ChildFund has working internationally for over 80 years and started in New Zealand over 30 years ago.

Want to join our journey in helping vulnerable children be educated, healthy, safe and heard?

One way is to become a monthly ChildFund supporter. For just $20 per month you can help our mission.

Another way, and it's free, to help is to sign up to our email news and keep updated with our work. Encourage others to sign up too. Or follow us on social media and like, comment and share our posts.