Top 8 ways you are helping Zambian children who need it

Top 8 ways you are helping Zambian children who need it

One of the things that keeps us busy at ChildFund New Zealand, is keeping an eye on the impact being created for children in the dedicated communities we work in. In other words, finding out how you are helping to make a positive difference to children living in poverty.

The most recent results are in, check them out:

Top 8 ways your support is helping children in Luangwa, Zambia through ChildFund

-319 new mums visited in outreach checks-ups to monitor baby growth and to support mum around breastfeeding and baby's health and care.

-Luangwa District Hospital and Katondwe Mission Hospital given four oxygen machines, a suction machine, two ICU beds, 20 hazmat suits and 20 suction tubes supplied.

-Over 300 families given agriculture help. 133 received three female goats each for food and livelihood opportunities; 100 received maize seeds and 75 families received vegetable seeds to grow food to eat and sell.

- 1,000 vulnerable families received six months of financial assistance to help during COVID-19.

-Four boreholes refurbished (two in the community and two in schools) to provide safe, clean water.

- Students at 26 schools are safer from COVID-19, (26 thermal scanners distributed to the schools for temperature checking and handwashing facilities improved at all).

-4,232 children aged under 5 received healthcare checks including to monitor growth, discuss health issues with caregivers and to receive vaccinations.

-Much more is also happening children, families and communities in Luangwa including assistance around COVID-19, projects to improve healthcare centres for a higher quality of healthcare and projects to improve to schools for a higher quality of education.

ChildFund New Zealand works in Luangwa, Zambia through our local partner. With your support, we can help Luangwa to reach its goal of self-sufficiency in providing the basics to its children through better access to safe water, sanitation, education, healthcare and child protection, along with more livelihood opportunities for their families.

Read more about our unique Road Map approach to change here.

If you would like to join us in reaching this goal with the community in Luangwa and in doing your bit to help children in need, please become a monthly supporter through child sponsor or Child Essentials today.

Thank you on behalf of the children you are helping.

Read more about Luangwa:

Our work in Luangwa

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