Your support is helping families earn money in Emali, Kenya

Your support is helping families earn money in Emali, Kenya | ChildFund New Zealand

An impressive 1672 people across 91 village saving and loan groups in Emali, Kenya received training through ChildFund New Zealand in 2019. This is support from our child sponsors and child essentials monthly givers at work in Kenya!

Village savings and loan groups (VS & L) in ChildFund New Zealand dedicated communities give community members access to small loans and training to help them improve their income earning capacity and to better feed, care and educate their children. 

VS & L groups are an important part of the livelihood work that ChildFund does within dedicated communities and are run by community members, with regular monitoring and evaluations through our local partners in place.

Through these micro loans, community members have been able to start small businesses such as growing and selling vegetables or hiring out equipment like tents and chairs. 

Giving families access to more income earning activities in Emali is one of the goals that ChildFund works with the community to achieve. Your support through child sponsorship and Child Essentials monthly giving makes this work possible and will help the community to reach its goal of self-sufficiency in giving basic needs to its children.

If you would like to become a monthly giver and be part of positive change for children, young people and families in our dedicated communities please email