News and Stories

ChildFund is working with partners in Kenya to raise awareness about the risks of coronavirus and the importance of hygiene and social distancing, supply soap and fresh water to households and community centres, give cash assistance to some families, keep abuse reporting channels open to protect children, and to provide helpful information to caregivers on parenting during COVID-19.
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We all have a part to play in keeping our environment safe and protected. At ChildFund New Zealand, we are dedicated to maximising our positive impacts and reducing our negative impacts on the environment through the programmes and projects we...
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We're always trying new things at ChildFund New Zealand. At ChildFund, we are always looking for new ways to increase support for children living in Kenya, Zambia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Timor-Leste and the Pacific (our dedicated communities). As part of...
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Due to COVID-19, children and their families in our dedicated communities have been faced with unexpected hardship. Because of these new priorities, our work has changed and some life-changing community projects are still waiting to be implemented.  Right now, we...
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