New Zealand Children's Day, what are you doing?

New Zealand Children's Day, what are you doing?

ChildFund CEO Paul Brown is reminding parents to check in with their kids and spend time with them this Sunday on New Zealand Children's Day.

With COVID-19 restrictions ongoing, there is much uncertainty and connecting with your children is even more important. 

Sunday March 7th is New Zealand Children's Day

What are you doing to celebrate children this Sunday?


Children are why we exist

When you partner with ChildFund, you're creating long-term change in some of the world's most vulnerable communities. We spend our time getting results and sharing them with you, so you know exactly how your support is creating positive change for children and youth in need around the world.

We've been working around the world for more than 80 years, and our approach is simple: we put communities in the driver's seat and help them get to a stage where they don't need us anymore.


Want to know more?


Read more stories about ChildFund's work with children here

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