News and Stories

“I am so happy and excited that my family and I have water right near our home. My children and I will now be spending more time together reading and playing. Earlier fetching water was such a stressful chore as one would be required to make/dig small wells on the river in order to get water. I am grateful for the water brought close to us.” Mwelu, mother of 5, Emali.
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We all have a part to play in keeping our environment safe and protected. At ChildFund New Zealand, we are dedicated to maximising our positive impacts and reducing our negative impacts on the environment through the programmes and projects we...
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ChildFund International Kenya has been awarded up to $100,000 by Google to further develop online child protection work in Kenya.  As part of Safer Internet Day this month Google recognised ChildFund’s work in preventing online sex trafficking which includes national research, training in communities, schools and media-based training and policy development. The funds will go toward...
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Due to COVID-19, children and their families in our dedicated communities have been faced with unexpected hardship. Because of these new priorities, our work has changed and some life-changing community projects are still waiting to be implemented.  Right now, we...
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Just over USD$500 million (less than USD$1 per child and 0.9% of total development investments), went directly towards ending violence against children between 2017 and 2018 Over one billion children experience violence every year, costing world economies between USD$2 trillion to USD$7 trillion annually It is estimated that 85 million extra children are at risk...
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