How do children view their rights?

How do children view their rights? | ChildFund New Zealand

We aspire to live in a world free from violence, where all children have a voice and the ability to achieve their full potential. 

That's why an important part of our work is to educate children on their rights, and ensure they understand the channels to turn to if, and when, their rights are not upheld in their communities. 

One way we have worked to give children a platform for expressing their views is through Small Voices, Big Dreams (SVBD), one of the world's largest child surveys. SVBD takes into account the voices of thousands of children globally, on issues that matter most to them.

We have also implemented a new programme in some ChildFund communities, called Child Friendly Accountability. This methodology gives children the tools they need to ensure their rights are being protected. 

In honour of the 30th anniversary of the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), we asked children to identify one article from the convention that applied to their lives and create a work of art that they would like to share with ChildFund supporters. 

Below, Sujantha and Thang have shared their stories, and how adults can ensure that their rights are protected.

Sujantha, 12, Sri Lanka
Sujantha, 12, Sri Lanka
"I chose to draw children playing at school. For female children, we have less opportunity and no access to recreation, due to cultural barriers. When we can have fun together, it is easier to study and also we can learn to be like a team and can build relationships with each other through sport."
Thang, 10, Vietnam
Thang, 10, Vietnam
"In my drawing, a father is about to beat his son. There is also the boy's grandmother, stopping the father. I saw this when a friend of mine was beaten by his father. I draw this to remind fathers that they should not beat children. They should love them more."