Approximately one billion children globally live in countries considered to be extremely vulnerable to climate and environmental shocks and stresses.These risks increase children’s exposure to violence. Read a snapshot of this new ChildFund white paper on the link between violence against children and climate-affected communities and the actions we can take to help, published by Barnfonden (ChildFund Sweden) in August 2022.
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Greetings – I am pleased to provide a copy of Forward Strong: Ensuring children remained safe, healthy and able to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic published for release by ChildFund Alliance on 13 October 2021. In April 2020, we launched...
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2021 is designated as the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, as unanimously adopted in a UN General Assembly resolution in 2019 and launched by the International Labour Organization and the Alliance 8.71. Currently, there is strong momentum...
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Children want their voices to be heard! In this new report by ChildFund Alliance, nearly 5,500 young people in 15 countries reveal their own perceptions about the dimensions of violence against children, including what they see as clear examples of...
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Violence against children is at endemic levels across Pacific island nations and Timor-Leste. Millions of children experience exceptionally high levels of physical, emotional and sexual violence, as well as neglect. For the vast majority of children, this violence is occurring...
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This paper outlines ChildFund Alliance’s position on gender equality and defines how our commitment to support gender equality will be put into action. It is inspired by ChildFund’s overarching goals and priorities and reflects the experience of those in the...
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Every child deserves to grow up in a safe, peaceful, nurturing and enabling environment. As the UN Sustainable Development Goals have gone live and we look toward Agenda 2030 as a target date for eliminating all forms of violence against...
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The right to a safe, meaningful education When ChildFund Alliance set out to survey children around the world about their views on school and education, we expected them to tell us that going to school is important. We were thrilled...
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