Addressing Child Labour - Lessons Learned from ChildFund Interventions

2021 is designated as the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, as unanimously adopted in a UN General Assembly resolution in 2019 and launched by the International Labour Organization and the Alliance 8.71. Currently, there is strong momentum to accelerate global efforts in the fight against child labour; exchange ideas on good practices and learnings; and boost cooperation and multi-stakeholders’ actions and commitment.
This paper presents a summary of exchanges among ChildFund Alliance members during a child labour webinar conducted in January 2021. Representatives from four program regions/ countries—Africa, Bangladesh, Philippines and Paraguay—presented their work on child labour, including how they adapted their programming as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This snyopsis of lessons learned demonstrates the importance of a multi-layered, holistic approach when addressing this harmful work that deprives children of their childhood.