News and Stories

Imagine the only toilet your children can use at school is in a crumbly old concrete block overgrown with trees and then when they have finished there is nowhere for them to wash their hands. Not a nice thought at all, but now the students at this rural school in Batticaloa can go to the toilet with dignity and wash their hands afterward.
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“I am so happy and excited that my family and I have water right near our home. My children and I will now be spending more time together reading and playing. Earlier fetching water was such a stressful chore as one would be required to make/dig small wells on the river in order to get water. I am grateful for the water brought close to us.” Mwelu, mother of 5, Emali.
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In 2020, despite the challenges the year brought to us all, a group of ChildFund New Zealand supporters generously gave to help Mums and their children access safe, clean water and sanitation in Batticaloa. These wonderful Kiwis also made many Mums in Batticaloa smile, with caring words and encouragement in Mother's Day cards that they sent back to us with their donations.

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We're always trying new things at ChildFund New Zealand. At ChildFund, we are always looking for new ways to increase support for children living in Kenya, Zambia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Timor-Leste and the Pacific (our dedicated communities). As part of...
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Due to COVID-19, children and their families in our dedicated communities have been faced with unexpected hardship. Because of these new priorities, our work has changed and some life-changing community projects are still waiting to be implemented.  Right now, we...
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