News and Stories

There is a saying in Kenya that when you educate a woman you educate an entire community. Meet 23 year old Jackline from Kenya, a child sponsor since the age of 5, who went on to complete school and gain a teaching qualification. Now she not only gives back to her community as a teacher but asĀ a ChildFund youthĀ group mentor too, helping to keep young people in school.


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"Stories about the different challengeā€™s children around the world face in getting to school always put things smack bang into perspective for me. I mean, elephants blocking the roads and rainy season floodingā€¦things we would never even conceive ofā€¦ I remember seeing kids paddling their canoes to school in the morning in Bougainville and making me realise maybe my 20-minute walk to school wasnā€™t so hard after allā€¦" ChildFund Programme Officer, Matt Fowler.
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Helping children and young people to thrive through ChildFund doesn't just have to be just about making donations!

There are many free ways you can help children right now.

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