Education, Children, ChildFund and You

Education, Children, ChildFund and You | ChildFund New Zealand

January 24 is the International Day of Education, a United Nations General Assembly proclaimed day to celebrate the many ways learning can empower people, preserve the planet, build shared prosperity and foster peace.

We agree all children deserve the chance to soar! All children have the right to a high-quality education, but there are millions of girls and boys who don't complete a full course of primary school.

In the communities where ChildFund works, education is a top priority. It has the greatest potential to take a child and their family out of poverty and into a bright and prosperous future.

Thanks to the support of ChildFund New Zealand donors, more than 10,000 children and youth will go to school this year. However, not all school-aged children are able to attend classes with their peers. According to UNICEF, approximately 1 in 5 school-aged children aren’t in school. That’s millions who don’t have access to the essentials that help children to thrive. Because of this, 617 million children and youth around the world don’t have the basic ability to read, write or do maths! This pushes them, and their families, deeper and deeper into poverty. But, with your support, we can help even more children attend school.

Ways you can help EVEN MORE children access education 

Help children to go to school, support our education appeal

For 11-year-old Caleb, going to school is just a dream. Caleb lives in rural Kenya, where his family raises a few dairy cows to earn a small income. Unfortunately, their cows do not provide enough to afford books, uniforms and tuition fees for him and his sister to go to school. As each lonely day passes he's getting further and further behind the other kids. Completing school gives children and youth the opportunity to get a decent job, to give back to their community and to take better care of their family. Donate now.

Basic reading, writing and maths for youth $42

When a young person drops out of school, they are leaving behind more than just their peers. Often, people who leave school early do not have well-developed literacy or numeracy skills, which limits their ability to get a decent job. This gift will enroll a youth in the Pacific into our Building Blocks programme, providing skills and confidence in basic reading, writing and maths skills. 

Classroom and school construction from $85

This gift will help improve access to education for a remote community where ChildFund works. Your donation will help us fund the construction and equipping of new classrooms, and supplying children and teachers with resources and materials for improved learning.

Support for children with disabilities from $25

Life is much more difficult if you are differently-abled. In some communities, children are vulnerable to abuse, or excluded from activities, like education. You can help! Your gift will help ChildFund promote the inclusion of children with disabilities. Donate today, and help a child like nine-year-old Vireak (pictured), who was born with no left foot, making it difficult for him to participate in sports and games.
There are so many other ways you can like with by giving the gift of school uniforms, training skills or help children to read with books.
Thank you so much for your amazing support. You are making a difference to children, youth, families and communities in need.