Educating women is essential for breaking children out of poverty

Educating women is essential for breaking children out of poverty

 “ChildFund has been with me throughout my life journey through my childhood since I was among the first children to be enrolled by the project, until where I am now. It is through the support given I have been able to study, finish school and get a job teaching at a local school here. I am truly grateful and appreciate the support and wings given to me to fly and succeed." Jackline, 23 year-old teacher, Kenya.

Supporting children and youth through education is important wherever you live in the world.

But for children in rural Kenya, in the communities where ChildFund works, it's even more vital as they are faced with the daily challenges of poverty, extreme environmental conditions like drought, and often long distances to travel to school. Girls often also have to overcome the hurdle of cultural practices that are stacked against them receiving an education.

Jackline is now giving back to her community as a teacher

Access to education is a key factor in communities being able to become self-reliant. When a young person gets qualified not only do they gain access to a source of income, but they become a role model not only to their family but to their whole community too.

In addition to giving back to her community as a teacher, Jackline is a ChildFund group facilitator where she works with groups of young people encouraging them to learn, stay in school and complete their studies. Girls dropping out of school due to teenage pregnancy or child marriage is still common in Jackline's village. 

"As they say ‘when you educate a woman you’ve educated the entire community'." ChildFund Kenya representative.

Education is a priority for ChildFund, want to know why?

Providing access to education for children is one of ChildFund's five key focus areas. Why? Because all children have the right to a high-quality education, but yet there are millions of girls and boys who don't complete a full course of primary school.

 In the communities where ChildFund works, education is a top priority. It has the greatest potential to take a child and their family out of poverty and into a bright and prosperous future. From training teachers to improving classroom facilities and building schools to providing desks or books, there are so many ways we are helping children access education. You can help too. Read more about our work providing education for children and how to get involved here.

ChildFund's work in Emali, Kenya

ChildFund is working with mothers, families and communities in Emali to take children out of poverty in Kenya. Education, health/nutrition, water/sanitation, family livelihoods and child protection are our key focus areas. The aim is that the community becomes self-sufficient in providing the basics children need to thrive, and so we (with support) can move on to help another community. ChildFund New Zealand works in Emali through local partners to a community devised set of strategic goals (we call it a Road Map). With your support, we can help Emali reach its goal of self-sufficiency in providing the basics to its children through better access to safe water, sanitation, education, healthcare and child protection, along with more livelihood opportunities for their families.

To help us today help the community of Emali reach its goals of self-sufficiency and to help more girls like Jackline get an education, please become a monthly supporter today.