Positive parenting message in Kiribati!

Positive parenting message in Kiribati!

Great news, the ChildFund Kiribati team are spreading the positive parenting message to parents and caregivers in Betio with a great new video.

Check out the fantastic video here.

Positive parenting principals

  • Love and warmth. Children feel love when you talk to them, smile at them, hug them and encourage them.
  • Talking and listening. The more you talk to a child (even as a baby) the easier it is for them to develop language.
  • Teaching and learning. From a young age children will watch that you are keeping them safe, you should show them what they need to do.
  • Limits and boundaries. Children develop well when rules are consistent (although not rigid), firm, fair and age appropriate. Try to focus more on what children should do rather than what they shouldn't do.
  • Be consistent. While having the same rules all the time can be hard as a parent when you're tired, it makes parenting easier in the long run.
  • Structure and safety. Ensure safe playing areas for children and that they are not at risk from anything they are playing with. Parents should not fight or be violent in front of children, it causes them distress.

The video is part of wider ChildFund project in Kiribati around child protection.

For four years ChildFund Kiribati has been working with communities in Betio and the team has developed strong, trusted relationships with local families and  a range of government and community stakeholders through the delivery of community development assistance programming. 

Betio is located in Kiribati's capital South Tarawa, where about a third of the country's approximately 119,000 population live. Betio, is the most densely populated areas of South Tarawa with extended family members living in one household. These households also often lack key infrastructure and facilities, meaning that access to clean water and sanitation facilities is limited. 

ChildFund is working in Kiribati with the community on projects around learning and engagement opportunities, child protection and also household and community resilience. Made possible through support from ChildFund New Zealand supporters and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Impact Programme. 

Read more about ChildFund's work in Kiribati

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