Simon Whyte, Board Chair

Simon Whyte, Board Chair | ChildFund New Zealand

“I really appreciate living and raising my family in New Zealand - we are so incredibly fortunate. While we have serious social challenges to address here, ChildFund New Zealand gives Kiwis an opportunity to demonstrate their global consciousness and support for the right of any child anywhere to be protected from violence and exploitation and to develop to their full potential and thrive."

Simon is a father of three and aside from being Chair of ChildFund New Zealand since mid 2017, Simon is Chair of The Lion Foundation and Auckland Basketball Services Limited which manages basketball operations over much of greater Auckland. He is also a Syndicate Chair of several syndicates at the CEO Institute.

For Simon, his involvement with ChildFund gives him the opportunity to give back, a sense of purpose and lots of joy. 

Originally a commercial lawyer with major law firms in New Zealand and London, Simon had a successful corporate career across several sectors with leadership roles at Enerco New Zealand, SkyCityUnitedNetworks and SKF New Zealand. More recently he was a Director of AA Smartfuel Limited and he continues to provide executive coaching and mentoring on a private basis.

Simon is married and in his spare time he enjoys walking, watching basketball, time in the garden and seeing family and friends.