Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy

Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy | ChildFund New Zealand

ChildFund’s people operate in a privileged position of trust and are often working with children and other community members who are in less powerful and vulnerable situations. ChildFund New Zealand recognises the serious obligation it holds to do everything possible to respect and protect the children and adults with whom it works. Sexual exploitation and abuse of the very children we aim to protect, or vulnerable adults in communities, are among the most grievous ways that ChildFund can fail in its mission.

The purpose of this policy is to set out the expectations, systems and processes aimed at preventing sexual exploitation and abuse of children and other community members, as well as the actions that will ensue if incidents of sexual exploitation or abuse are identified.

Click here or on the image below to read our Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy.

Preventing Sexual Abuse and Exploitation 2019