2019 - 2020 Accountability Report for Accountable Now
At ChildFund New Zealand, we believe continuous learning is integral to our success. We are all experiencing one of the most critical times in our lifetimes, adapting rapidly as we grapple with the turmoil and uncertainty arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Against this backdrop the last year has forced us to focus on the clarity of our purpose; in other words, we need to remain absolutely tight as to why we exist. In doing so, this tightness requires transparency and ensuring we live by our values.
We see participating with Accountable Now as a strong enabler and checkpoint in this process. Throughout the past few years ChildFund New Zealand has deliberately sought to innovate, encouraging curiosity across our team. By challenging what things we do, and how we do things, we are pushing to improve impact.
Accountable Now’s 12 Commitments provide a useful compass on this journey. Our approach to innovation was enhanced this year as part of relocating our Auckland-based team to a co-working space in the centre of what is described as New Zealand’s largest city’s innovation precinct. We believe this move has helped with our intentional collaboration – we are putting ourselves in the way of others, mixing in new ecosystems, including working alongside companies leading innovation such as technology start-ups.
As we learn from these businesses, we are simultaneously nudging them, to celebrate when their strategies do less harm, or achieve more good. This is timely as we tune into the universal call to “Build Back Better” – and we believe civil society faces increased accountability to ensure that building back better translates to building back well.
Throughout this report we hope you will learn more about our Innovation – that is with a big “I” – as we explore new business models and value propositions to ensure we remain impactful, sustainable, and relevant. We also hope you will learn more about our innovation – that is with a little “I” – which includes iterating our current practices and applying the feedback from Accountable Now.
Click here to read the 2019-2020 Accountability Report for Accountable Now.