With ChildFund "you are part of something bigger" says long-time supporter

With ChildFund

Helping children to access education is what motivates long-time ChildFund supporter Cathy Downes.

Cathy, who has been a ChildFund supporter for over 35 years, was the first person in her family to go to university in the 1970s and she felt very fortunate doing so. University education at that time was free in New Zealand, otherwise it would not have been assessible for her as her family could not afford to pay for it.

"I just felt so lucky to have this opportunity especially as in those years it was expected that most girls would go into jobs that filled in the time  between leaving school and getting married," Cathy says.
"I made this promise to myself that when I started making money I would look for a way to help children get a start in their education.”

Cathy has not only kept her promise but every time she has changed jobs she has increased her ChildFund sponsorship.

"By supporting ChildFund you are part of something bigger as the organisation looks at all the needs of communities and clears the way for children to go to school," Cathy says.

Being able to keep her sponsorship going even while living and working overseas and knowing that ChildFund is part of a global alliance resonates strongly with her. 

"Living in a beautiful, safe, well-resourced and stable country like New Zealand and being a supporter of ChildFund helps to give me a comparison to how others in the world live and to realise how lucky we are." she says.

"With ChildFund it's about breaking down the obstacles that make it difficult to access education, so that more children can set their life expectations higher and are boosted on the right track for achieving them."
Thank you so much Cathy and to all our monthly donors for your ongoing care, commitment and support for ChildFund's work.

Learn more about ChildFund's monthly giving here.