For just $10, help people get vaccinated! Support the Get One, Give One campaign today...

For just $10, help people get vaccinated! Support the Get One, Give One campaign today...

We're backing the Get One, Give One campaign!

Join us today by supporting Get One, Give One to reduce the vaccine inequality occurring in our current Covid-19 world.  

Did you know that 39.6% of the world population has received at least one dose of the vaccine, and 5.34 billion doses have been administered? Yet only 1.8% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose (Our World In Data).

Vaccine inequality is the reason we support Get One, Give One.

Everyone has the right to health care, and this virus won't be over for anyone until it is over for everyone, and Get One, Give One has provided us with the opportunity to help. 

The funds raised go to the COVAX alliance, including UNICEF, WHO (World Health Organisation) and GAVI (the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation). COVAX is the official global channel for the delivery of vaccines to low-income countries. 

$10NZD is all it takes to enable someone to receive a COVID-19 vaccine who would not receive it otherwise.

Thanks to Give One, Get One, we are all able to help.