Emergency response update on 7.8 earthquake that hit Türkiye and Syria on February 6

Emergency response update on 7.8 earthquake that hit Türkiye and Syria on February 6

With thanks to help from ChildFund New Zealand supporters, the ChildFund Alliance has responded to the urgent needs of 277,477 children and family members in Aleppo who were affected by the massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck southern Türkiye and northern Syria on February 6.

59,259 people died in the disaster and the resulting widespread damage, included infrastructure, covered 350,000 km2 and the United Nations estimated  about 1.5 million people have been left homeless.

ChildFund's emergency response has focused on providing urgent relief in Syria, where children and families have had to contend with years of conflict, displacement, and lack of access to basic needs, the compounding impacts of the earthquake will be far-reaching. 

Through your generous donation ChildFund has been able to reach 277,477 to displaced and affected people, including those living in temporary shelters at low temperatures, and in supplying clean water to areas where infrastructure was damaged, as follows:

  • 6,925 people living in accommodation shelters through the distribution of 2,450 mattresses, 2,450 blankets, 135 jerry cans for water, 3,600 packs of baby diapers, 600 packs of elderly diapers, 500 family hygiene kits and 500 dignity kits
  • 40,950 people affected by the damages to the water networks in 23 different neighbourhoods of the city of Aleppo, through the distribution of 2033 m³ of drinking and clean water
  • 229,600 affected by the damages to the water networks by repairing 206 malfunctioning points of the networks. Moreover, 3 main water pipelines of the city of Aleppo have been assessed and 2 water pumps have been identified for rehabilitation
  • 2,000 students have participated in non-formal education sessions to catch up after the interruptions due to the earthquake, and in psychosocial support sessions.
  • 21,000 people will benefit from the rehabilitation of 23 schools, after the assessment of 27 facilities for damages following the earthquakes.

We deeply thank all of ChildFund's supporters who have so generously donated already.

The needs are still extensive, and ChildFund continues to respond to urgent needs of people affected by the earthquake with clean water, sanitation, hygiene supplies, education services, and shelter.

Donate to help children and families recover here.