Top marks on preschool teacher training ChildFund Kiribati

Top marks on preschool teacher training ChildFund Kiribati

Twenty-five preschool teaches from all around Betio took part  in a ChildFund training session on human rights, health, water and sanitation this month.

Key topics and information presented by ChildFund Kiribati staff included the importance of understanding and upholding the rights of children and people with disabilities; the history on the convention of the rights of the child, safe practices on handwashing, water purifying and preventing diarrhea; along with healthy diets for children.

 “The workshop was very helpful to me in my role as a teacher as I am now fully confident to share information on these two topics and I also know my responsibility regarding children’s rights and health, and for the children they can benefit in knowing good hygiene practices and in knowing their rights,” said a teacher from Teitoinimarawa Preschool who participated in the workshop.

ChildFund is working in Kiribati with funding from New Zealand supporters and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).

ChildFund Kiribati team members ran the two day workshop that was held at the Betio Town Council and all preschool teachers on the island were invited to attend.

"It is great to see the teachers’ contributing ideas on children’s activities which are various and were welcome to be include in the program. Regarding children safety during the event the teacher and staff identified pros and cons in terms of appropriateness of the activities and equipment for the children’s age level for the indoor and outdoor games. Both teams saw that in complying with what they have decided on during the event would be fun and save for the children," said ChildFund Kiribati's acting country director Teima Onorio.

Training also took place on the ongoing maintenance and management of the hand washing stations, that were installed last year at Betio preschools through ChildFund's partnership with Plan International.

A key outcome for ChildFund training and workshops, that happen in all of the dedicated areas where ChildFund New Zealand works in, is equipping and empowering participants with valuable information, awareness and skills to take back to their children, students, peers, parents, caregivers and communities. 

The workshop was also an opportunity for the ChildFund team to plan, with the teachers, an event to celebrate the upcoming World Children's Day

A fun, informative and entertaining lineup is planned for Betio this Friday. Preschool children are set to take centre stage on the day, in a parade and speaking to the audience about why their rights are important.

There will be games for children, a bouncy castle, photos booths, a performance by preschool children and a beauty pageant. 

"Because Children’s Rights are so important, we want to make this day the most memorable one for the community and most importantly for children," says Teima.
ChildFund is working in Kiribati with funding from New Zealand supporters and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).

Read more

Read more stories about ChildFund's work in Kiribati here.
Read more stories about ChildFund's work with MFAT here.
Read more stories about ChildFund's work in child protection here.
Read more stories about ChildFund's work in education here.
Read more stories about ChildFund's work in water, sanitation and hygiene here.