On International Youth Day, ChildFund is focused on creating better opportunities for young people

On International Youth Day, ChildFund is focused on creating better opportunities for young people

It's not easy to be a teenager.

As a young person, not only do you have academic pressures to succeed, but you also have the social pressures of being 'cool' or fitting in, or for some, hoping they're not being noticed at all. 

Now, add onto that issues related to wealth, race, ability, gender... It's no wonder so many young people are dealing with stress, anxiety and mental health issues. 

At ChildFund, our focus is on helping children and youth to thrive. But for many young people, their opportunities are limited even before they have a chance to to give things a try. 

For Taianui, a youth from Kiribati, this is all too real

When he was just a child, Taianui was forced to leave school to find work to support his family. Naturally, without a formal education, Taianui didn’t learn how to read or write along with his peers. Instead, he learned to survive, doing whatever he could to get paid.

As Taianui got older, without basic skills in reading, writing and maths, it became very difficult to find job opportunities. So, he started making and selling illegal alcohol to make ends meet.

On International Youth Day, we are focused on improving opportunities for young people like Taianui. We believe it's not too late for him to have a second chance. 

At ChildFund, we are committed to improving the quality of life of children and youth. That’s why, when we learned about these critical issues facing young people, we had to do something.

With a focus on improving the social and emotional wellbeing of youth in the Pacific, ChildFund is providing opportunities for young people like Taianui to be educated, employed and meaningfully involved in their communities.

Please join us by making a donation to ChildFund today. Your generous gift will help us:

  1. Provide safe, supportive learning environments where students feel they belong, and where trained staff can help young people to build self-esteem;
  2. Offer out-of-school and unemployed young people spaces in our Building Blocks course, which teaches them basic skills in reading, writing and maths; and
  3. Identify opportunites for young people to get back on the pathway to employment, by equipping them for future vocational studies where they can learn practical, technical and soft skills to give them the best possible chance of future success.

We urgently need to reach 3,000 young people with these life-changing opportunities. Will you help a young person turn their life around? A gift from you, will be their second chance.

Click here to help a young person like Taianui today!