Meet Hika, ChildFund's new Solomon Islands country representative

Meet Hika, ChildFund's new Solomon Islands country representative

Meet Hika Joseph, ChildFund Solomon Islands new country representative. We ask Hika about his vast international and community development experience and find out what drew him to ChildFund.

ChildFund (CF): Hika, why do you want to help children and young people?

Hika Joseph (HJ): My passion revolves around youth development, leadership and governance. With 70% of the Solomon Islands population aged under 35 there are a lot of challenges encountered by young people. I believe by addressing and serving our young people that it will lead to a better nation.

CF: Tell us a bit about the skills and experience you bring to ChildFund and to the children we serve? 

HJ: I have a background in management, public administration and economics, attained from the University of the South PacificPrior to starting with ChildFund I served as country programme Manager for Plan International Solomon Islands, the general secretary for Solomon Islands National Youth Congress, the deputy coordinator for an SPC Youth project and also I did a short term with Cardno International Development Solomon Islands' resource facilities as a project support officer and served as integration sports coordinator for Pacific Games 2023. Through these engagements I have acquired leadership and management skills, project management and organizational operation skills. I look forward to working with community organisations through the partnerships and the localization approach at ChildFund and to tailoring programmes and interventions that will directly address the needs of young people in Solomon Islands.

CF: What does working at ChildFund bring to you? 

HJ: Working for ChildFund is fulfilling as it gives me a space to utilise the skills and experiences, I have gained in the areas I am passionate and interested in. ChildFund also gives me an opportunity to contribute towards fulfilling the National Development Strategy 2016 -2035's third objective of all Solomon Islanders having access to quality health and education.

CF: Lastly Hika, what are your hobbies? 

HJ: My hobbies are diving, fishing and learning about different cultures, I am a strong believer that every culture and countries has their unique way of life that makes them unique and the world more beautiful.

Meet the rest of the ChildFund team here.