Meet Brenda Daya, our new programme manager

Meet Brenda Daya, our new programme manager

We sat down with our newest programme manager Brenda Daya, mum of three and former lawyer, to learn more about what makes her tick and why working for ChildFund is her dream job.

ChildFund (CF): Brenda, why do you want to help children? 

Brenda Daya (BD): Something deep inside me drives me to try and address inequalities that exist in the world for children and ChildFund provides a meaningful way for me to do this. It is only through luck and good fortune that we are born in a country like New Zealand. The inequality across the world is overwhelming and children and young people are often the most disproportionately impacted, yet lack the voice and agency to effect change.

CF: Tell us a bit about the skills and experience you bring to ChildFund? 

BD: I’m a lawyer by profession with experience as a solicitor and also in dispute resolution and contract management. Recently I completed my Masters in International Development at the University of Auckland. I have travelled extensively and have done volunteer work in Africa and South-East Asia. Most recently I volunteered remotely for UN Women Asia-Pacific, undertaking a review of a regional women’s economic empowerment project. My academic qualifications and work experience compliment my passion for working in development.

CF: What does working for ChildFund bring to you? 

BD: Being a programme manager for ChildFund New Zealand is a dream job for me. I love having the opportunity to support life-changing projects in the Pacific and South-East Asia and see the positive impact that they have on children and young people. It is an absolute privilege to be a part of this amazing organization that helps to improve the wellbeing of children and their families.

Thrive: What do you do away from work? 

CF: My husband and I have three young sons and we love to travel, ski, mountain bike, hike, and do all sorts of other outdoor adventures. I also love good coffee, good wine, and a good book.

Meet the rest of the ChildFund team here.