Lives rebuilt after devastating Indonesian earthquake

Lives rebuilt after devastating Indonesian earthquake | ChildFund New Zealand

Over 21,000 children, young people and caregivers affected by the devastating central Sulawesi earthquake in Indonesia in September 2018 have received life-saving help with thanks to 231 generous ChildFund New Zealand supporters.

Donations raised over $23,000 to help families and communities recover from the disaster and went towards new wells, toilets and water tanks, along with 24 semi -permanent classrooms, 10 child-centred spaces for play and counselling. Over 2,000 families in Sulawesi were also given emergency supply kits.

Petobo village, which is south of the city of Palu, was virtually flattened in the earthquake, which killed an estimated 2,340 people. 

Ten year old Umairah and her family lived in Petobo and sadly lost their home and property due to liquefaction but despite this they feel lucky to have been able to move into a temporary shelter through ChildFund. Especially as the shelter meant that Umairah was able to start school again (Umairah, like most children has dreams for her future, and one day wants to be a midwife) and also play at a ChildFund safe space nearby.

“I feel very happy because we have the ChildFund facility near our shelter and we can play with new toys and equipment there and the facilitators are also very friendly. My friends and I are very comfortable with them and they arranged some outdoor activities for us as well. Bit by bit, we are back to find confidence again in believing in our future goal and that we will get there someday if we continue to learn hard.”

Her mother says life has not been easy since the earthquake but ChildFund has helped ease everyday burdens like having a roof over their heads and accessing water.

“ChildFund and LPBI NU have helped ease our burdens in terms of the needs of child care, shelter support and also water supply. We have learned from them that we should never give up hope especially in post disaster. They teach us and remind us that our children need us to help them build a better future. That is why I always remind Umairah to attend the child centres space sessions. I want her to learn and practice in the exercises and also to learn about life values from the facilitators.” Note, LPBI NU is a local organisation that ChildFund works with.

Your support makes all the difference. By becoming a monthly giver through Child Essentials you help families and communities in vulnerable places be better prepared for disasters or by donating to emergency appeals you help to rebuild lives.

Thank you to those who gave so generously to the Sulawesi, Indonesia Earthquake appeal.