ChildFund donated oxygen machine life saving for Zambian babies

ChildFund donated oxygen machine life saving for Zambian babies

I lost my two previous babies because the hospital did not have such equipment but now it is no longer the case. Thank God for saving my child.” Daria, grateful and loving mum from ChildFund New Zealand's dedicated community of Luangwa in Zambia.

Daria sadly knows the absolute heartbreak of losing a child as the Luangwa mum has previously had two premature babies die. Both were born at six months and with no medical equipment available to help them breathe they were unable to survive.

But thanks to the donation of an oxygen concentrator machine to the Luangwa District Hospital, made possible by ChildFund supporters, there is good news at last for Daria. The 28-year-old has given birth to a baby girl at seven months, who with the help of the donated machine, is alive and healthy.

The equipment was initially donated to help with potential COVID-19 cases in the Luangwa. Thank you so much to ChildFund New Zealand supporters for making this equipment donation possible.


Ways you can help children better access life- saving health care

Immunise children in need

Immunisation provides effective protection against deadly diseases and preventable illnesses. Your gift provides health training and education in the community to raise awareness of the life-saving benefits of child immunisation.

Help to build community health centres

Every day, approximately 810 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. 90% of these deaths occur in low-income communities. This exceptional gift will help build the foundations and equip a health center in a ChildFund-supported community so that pregnant women can access essential pre-natal and post-natal care.