How you are helping children in Vietnam through ChildFund

How you are helping children in Vietnam through ChildFund

One of the things that keeps us busy at ChildFund New Zealand, is keeping an eye on the impact being created for children in the dedicated communities we work in. In other words, finding out how you are helping to make a positive difference to children living in poverty. The most recent results are in for Cao Bang in Vietnam, check them out:

  • 55 women in Ngoc Dong and Doai Khon communes received training in buffalo rearing and are better equipped to provide for their families
  • 56 children have access to books through 1 library and 6 friendly reading corners
  • 40 school students trained in running reading corners
  • 406 preschool children took part in a ChildFund supported Lunar New Year celebration
  • 138 children are now learning in a more hygienic environment and are getting better nutrition after kitchen and toilet renovation at Quoc Toan and Ban Mac preschools
  • A classroom has been constructed and handed over to a school in Quang Vinh, with ongoing construction of 4 classrooms at Quang Vinh preschool
  • 21 mothers-to-be and mothers of small children received home visits for health, wellbeing and growth checks
  • 546 mothers to be and others took part in 45 training sessions in pregnancy care
  • 105 pregnant woman and 15 children received scans from a ChildFund funded ultrasound machine
  • 5 water and sanitation groups were established with 25 local representatives joining, the groups will implement and manage the clean community campaigns (50 people attended workshops and two community meetings around water and sanitation)
  • 73 school students trained in how to keep safe online
  • 82 parents were trained in keeping their children safe online
  • 152 teachers trained in how to better use the internet to aid children’s education
  • 28 households received home visits to support parents teach children at home
  • The parents of 27 children with disabilities and 4 teachers have received training in inclusive education and recreation activities
  • 38 children with disabilities were assessed for Government assistance
  • 44 community members received training on identifying children with disabilities
  • 18 people joined a support group  in Quang Uyen set up for people living with disabilities to build their confidence, share information and to socialize
  • 374 mothers took part in 3 community events to help them better respond to COVID-19 including caring for children at home, better hygiene and COVID-19 community prevention plans
  • A new stretch of road has been completed in Bach Hoach village making it easier for local families to transport agricultural produce for sale
  • 6 community meetings were held to educate parents on child laws and child rights
  • 2 community sessions held (Hong Quang and Hanh Phuc) to educate parents around child sexual abuse
  • A meeting was held with 25 district and commune officers on reforming child protection systems

 ChildFund and Cao Bang

ChildFund New Zealand works in Cao Bang, Vietnam through our local partner there. With your support, we can help Cao Bang to reach its goal of self-sufficiency in providing the basics to its children through better access to safe water, sanitation, educationhealthcare and child protection, along with more livelihood opportunities for their families.

Read more about our unique Road Map approach to change here.

Thank you on behalf of the children you are helping.

Read more about Cao Bang, Vietnam

Confident kids in Cao Bang, Vietnam thanks to your support

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