Google gives thumbs up to ChildFund’s online child protection work

Google gives thumbs up to ChildFund’s online child protection work
ChildFund International Kenya has been awarded up to $100,000 by Google to further develop online child protection work in Kenya. 
As part of Safer Internet Day this month Google recognised ChildFund’s work in preventing online sex trafficking which includes national research, training in communities, schools and media-based training and policy development. The funds will go toward internet safety for children. 
Google’s philanthropic arm launched the $1,000,000 Africa Online Safety Fund on Safer Internet Day last year. The fund aims to tackle challenges related to hate, extremism, disinformation, and child safety, both online and offline in Africa.  
This year’s fund was distributed across 26 organizations across nine countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, including ChildFund. 
The theme for this year’s Safer Internet Day (on February 9) was “together for a better internet" with Google announcing new programs, in partnership with other organisations, aimed at educating and developing programs to help more people keep safe while browsing the web. 

Google estimates that 346 million people came online for the first time in the last 12 months, and 376 million people have used social media for the first time during the same period. Google says “if there has ever been a moment to amplify the online safety efforts, it is now, we are committed to providing safe tools and resources to explore the digital world for both families and children.” 

ChildFund New Zealand's Swipe Safe

ChildFund New Zealand supporters make possible an internet safety programme, Swipe Safe, in Cao Bang, Vietnam. It aims to empower young people to make the most of the online world but also educates them on internet risks and how to keep themselves safe. Parents and teachers also receive training. The programme runs in 37 schools in Vietnam including 11 schools in ChildFund New Zealand's dedicated community in Cao Bang.