Food to help families struggling in Sri Lanka's economic crisis

Food to help families struggling in Sri Lanka's economic crisis

A huge, warm thank you to everyone who donated to help children and families struggling during Sri Lanka's current economic crisis.

Over $118,000 has been raised to provide food, medical assistance and school materials to the most affected children, families and communities.

The family of six year old Rashimi (who is pictured above) was one of 75 families to receive six chickens each to provide them with eggs to eat along with an opportunity to generate income through breeding chickens. Sri Lanka's agriculture has been hit hard by inflation and Rashmi’s family was one of many families experiencing extreme hardship following the country’s economic crisis. 

ChildFund is distributing food to affected families, organising community programmes targeting malnourished or underweight children and supporting families with home gardens and chickens. Children are also being supplied with school materials and access to online education. 

To help ease the mental stress on families during the crisis, ChildFund is also providing psychosocial support including stress and conflict management.

Children in need of medical assistance are also being identified and supported with transport and medicines. While ongoing work is happening with youth vocational training programmes and in strengthening community based protection processes.

Thank you so much to everyone who generously gave to help children and families in Sri Lanka.

Read more about the current economic crisis in Sri Lanka here.