Even the biggest dreams can be achieved through child sponsorship!

Even the biggest dreams can be achieved through child sponsorship!

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

One of the most popular things an adult asks a child is about their dreams for the future. It's incredible to see a youngster's eyes light up as they talk about becoming a teacher, a firefighter, an astronaut or even a world leader. It gives us inspiration to find renewed passion in ourselves, and to question the status quo in our own lives. The dreams of children lead us to ask ourselves,

What could we achieve if there were no limits?

For many children in New Zealand, opportunities exist to go to school, achieve high level degrees and diplomas and take part in internships, volunteer placements or part-time jobs to help them move forward. 

But for millions of children around the world, their dreams, sadly, don't often come true. In fact, one in five school-aged children don't even attend classes with their peers. That means, millions of children grow up without the ability to read, write or do basic maths.

Without these skills, achieving their dreams is an uphill battle. 

Child sponsorship gives children and youth hope.

Through child sponsorship, children who live in communities where there is limited access to education are able to enroll in, and complete, primary education, and even have the opportunity to continue their studies towards their goals. In addition, child sponsorship also helps a child's entire community by providing improved access to safe drinking water, healthcare services, livelihoods, and much more. It's an incredible investment for less than $2/day. 

Former sponsored children are incredible role models for younger children in ChildFund-supported communities. 

Former sponsored child Diana works as a nurse!

For 28-year-old Diana (pictured above), her future transformed significantly when she became sponsored as a young girl. 

Instead of watching as her peers walked to school, Diana was able to join them and enroll in a local school, supported by ChildFund. As the years went by, Diana built a relationship with her sponsor overseas through letter-writing and by sharing special moments with one another.

When the time came to continue her studies, Diana's sponsor was committed to helping her out even more.

By attending college and completing her nursing certificate, Diana is achieving her dream of helping others in her community. Now, she's no longer a sponsored child, and she works as a nurse in the local maternity ward to help patient have safe and healthy deliveries. 

About Child Sponsorship

For thousands of children in need, sponsorship brings hope for the future.

For less than $2/day, you can change a child's life through child sponsorship. Your $55/month donation will be used to help your sponsored child, and their community, to thrive. A portion of your monthly support is used towards ChildFund's Future Fund programme, helping us innovate and develop new programmes and ways to create social impact for children, well into the future.

Do you want to learn more? Click here for information about child sponsorship.