Danielle Cormack urges fellow Kiwis to help mums in Ukraine this Mother’s Day

Danielle Cormack urges fellow Kiwis to help mums in Ukraine this Mother’s Day

Actor, ChildFund ambassador, and mum of two Danielle Cormack is asking Kiwis to support Ukraine mothers who need urgent help. 

Since late February, when the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, 90% of the 5 million people who have fled the country have been women and children. Half of these women are travelling alone.   

“As we come up to Mother’s Day this year and as this horrific war in Ukraine continues, I can’t help but ask myself if there is more that we can be doing to support mums and caregivers of children from Ukraine," Danielle says. 

"As every mother knows, there's nothing more important than making sure your children are safe and well looked after. But in a war zone, what can these mums do? Their ability to care for their children properly has been taken out of their hands. That must be terrifying.” 

ChildFund has been working in Ukraine since 2004, helping children and families across the country. There is an urgent need for food, nappies, formula, hygiene items, and other essential supplies, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The award-winning actor and mum of two has sponsored a child through ChildFund since 2006 and became a ChildFund ambassador in 2010. She has seen firsthand in trips to Africa and Asia with ChildFund how Kiwi donations help children and communities in need.

In early March, shortly after the war started, Danielle stepped up in support of ChildFund's Ukraine response.

“No mother should have to worry about whether there are enough basic essentials like baby formula or nappies for the rest of the week, but that's exactly what mums in Ukraine are struggling with right now.” 

"This Mother’s Day, as we celebrate the hardworking, loving mums and other caregivers of Aotearoa, please consider helping Ukrainian mothers who have such urgent needs."  

ChildFund is providing Mum's Packs containing food, formula, nappies, and hygiene items to mothers across Ukraine. Text MUM to 2474 to donate $3 or visit childfund.org.nz/ukraine-mums to send a Mum's Pack today.  

ChildFund is part of an international alliance that helps 23 million vulnerable children, their families, and communities in more than 70 countries around the world. <Ends> 

About ChildFund

ChildFund New Zealand is a member of ChildFund Alliance, a global network focused on ending violence and exploitation against children, and promoting a world in which all children enjoy their rights and achieve their full potential. Please visit childfund.org.nz for more information. 

Media contact for interviews or questions:  

ChildFund New Zealand Engagement Manager Carolyn Brooke 0272859978 or carolyn@childfund.org.nz