Children around the world learn of Shrek the sheep, NZ's favourite woolly sheep

Children around the world learn of Shrek the sheep, NZ's favourite woolly sheep

At ChildFund, one of the most exciting parts of our job is finding ways to connect children around the world with their Kiwi sponsors. In the past, we have shared stories of our national birds, such as the kea, kiwi, tui, etc... but this week, child sponsors will see something a bit different arriving in their postbox. 

Do you remember Shrek the sheep, New Zealand's most famous sheep? We're honouring this fluffy hero by sharing his story with our sponsored children:

Meet Shrek the Sheep...
There once was a sheep named Shrek, who lived on a farm in New Zealand. One day, Shrek escaped from the farm on his own, to explore the beautiful countryside. Before long, Shrek was lost and unable to find his way back home. 
Normally, farmers shear their sheep every year, but when Shrek was discovered, he hadn't had a haircut in 6 years! The wool he was carrying weighed 60 pounds. Imagine how many jumpers you could knit with all that wool?! 
Shrek's story will feature alongside a fun maze game that children can play to help him get back to his home. 
Along with the card, sponsors will also receive a story of a young man named Taianui who, like Shrek, got lost on the wrong path in life. Sponsors will read his story and be given the opportunity to support ChildFund's work to help out-of-school young people get back on the right track. 
Our project in Kiribati will reach 3,000 young people and is supported by the New Zealand Government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.