Get behind the Anglican Missions "get one, give one" COVID-19 vaccine campaign

Get behind the Anglican Missions

The 'Get one. Give one.' campaign protects and supports the world's poorest and most vulnerable from COVID-19 through vaccine equality.

When you get your Covid-19 vaccine, give $10 so that one of the world's most vulnerable can get theirs. $50 covers a family of five! $100 covers two families!

As vaccines roll out across Aotearoa New Zealand, in many low-income countries, vaccines may not be available; there may not be enough of them to go around; and their cost will significantly impact availability thereby increasing inequality.

Support the The Get one. Give one. Campaign here 

In being thankful for the availability of vaccines in our country, we are aware that many people are not so fortunate. The Get one. Give one. Campaign aims to protect and support the poorest and most vulnerable.

Through this Campaign, New Zealanders can contribute to a global initiative that funds vaccine equality in countries that would otherwise miss out.

We encourage you to give as soon as possible even if you are yet to receive your vaccine.

Why Get one. Give one?

• We are painfully aware of the unequal access people have in different places to vaccines. There is a profound global inequity that means some countries have more than enough supplies while others are struggling to get what they need.

• We are deeply grateful, fortunate and blessed to have access to vaccines in New Zealand. The Campaign is born of a desire both to express thankfulness and to ensure others across the world receive the same protection.

• We know from the way this virus works, that it won’t be over for anyone until it’s over for everyone. The Campaign offers each of us the opportunity to play our individual part in bringing this world-wide epidemic to an end.

Where do funds go?

• Funds raised go to the COVAX alliance, which includes UNICEF, WHO (World Health Organisation) and GAVI (the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation). COVAX is the official global channel for the delivery of vaccines to vulnerable and poor countries.

How far will my money go?

• The unit cost of delivering one vaccine comes to between $5 and $10. We are asking everyone to donate $10 to cover the delivery of a single vaccine to someone in the majority world. This includes the cost of delivery networks such as local distribution, storage, vaccination centre staffing. etc. See more here:

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Support the The Get one. Give one. Campaign here 


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Want to know more about how ChildFund is helping vulnerable children and youth get through COVID-19? Click here.