ChildFund New Zealand supporters fund a new youth centre in Kenya

ChildFund New Zealand supporters fund a new youth centre in Kenya | ChildFund New Zealand

ChildFund exists to help children and youth to thrive. This is exactly the reason why a new youth development centre is under construction in Emali, a community in Kenya where more than 2,000 Kiwis are sponsoring children and youth through ChildFund.

As part of our Road Maps (plans to reach self-reliance), local community organisations have partnered with ChildFund to identify ways we can have the most impact with the support we receive from our donors. Through consultation with families and other key stakeholders, ChildFund Kenya has recently developed a project to reach youth who are out of work and looking to build employable skills. 

Courses to be run at the youth centre will give youth skills to help them get ahead of the pack in the job market and also to tap into emerging job opportunities online. It will be aimed at young people aged 15 to 24, which is a growing demographic in Emali.

A group of 824 will be the first to benefit, some will still be at school while others will have finished school but not yet found work despite having employable skills. Unemployment in Emali is high and this project aims to help young people into self-employment and in-turn create jobs for others.

Giving young people and children access to more income earning activities to access brighter futures in Emali is one of the goals that ChildFund works with the community to achieve. Your support through sponsorship and monthly giving makes this work possible and will help the community to reach its goal of self-sufficiency in giving basic needs to its children by 2026.