ChildFund responds to COVID-19 in Sri Lanka

ChildFund responds to COVID-19 in Sri Lanka

Here's a  glimpse into the efforts by ChildFund Sri Lanka and AU Lanka (our local partner in Sri Lanka) on our emergency COVID-19 response in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Funds from ChildFund New Zealand supporters and partners have made this possible

  • 90 of the most vulnerable families received packages of dry food items. ChildFund's COVID-19 response in Sri Lanka
  • 311 of the most vulnerable families who have malnourished children received nutritious food items.
  • 500 preschool aged children were provided home based learning materials, which were distributed in coordination with preschool teachers and the lead mothers.
  • 120 children in grades 1 to 3 from the target location provided with the printed materials for them to be engaged in learning activities at their home.
  • Youth disinfecting public areas in Sri LankaAll staff who were engaged in the emergency response were provided with needed safety gears to ensure safety and protection.
  • 20 youth leaders engaged and trained on COVID-19 awareness. and prevention measures. The group developed and action content to share with their peers through email and social media. They also were engaged in the disinfecting of public places. The youth led awareness and prevention initiatives were a highlight for AU Lanka and are a key learning to take forward in any future emergency response.
  • Remote child protection monitoring was ensured and conducted to stay connected with families and children who needed support.
  • Overall over 2,000 children, youth, and families have been reached and provided basics such as food, home schooling supplies and awareness  on sanitary practices. 

Message of thanks from AU Lanka, our Sri Lankan partner

"On behalf of AU Lanka and the people from Manmunai West in Batticaloa, we extend our sincere gratitude for ChildFund Sri Lanka and ChildFund New Zealand for timely assistance in addition to the support which has been given for development programs. The assistance from ChildFund New Zealand has really helped us to extend our helping hand to outreach most of our enrolled families with different types of assistance."

ChildFund's ongoing work in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

ChildFund New Zealand is working with communities in Batticaloa  to take children out of poverty in Sri Lanka.

Education, health, water/sanitation, family livelihoods and child protection are our key focus areas. The aim is that the community becomes self-sufficient in providing the basics children need to thrive, and so we (with support) can move on to help another community. 

ChildFund New Zealand works in Batticaloa through local partners. With your support, we can help Batticaloa reach its goal of self-sufficiency in providing the basics to its children through better access to safe water, sanitation, education, healthcare and child protection, along with more livelihood opportunities for their families.

If you would like to join us in reaching this goal with the community in Batticaloa and in doing your bit to help children in need, please become a monthly supporter through child sponsorship or Child Essentials today.

Thank you on behalf of the children you are helping.

Child sponsorship makes a huge positive difference to not only your sponsor child but to other children too, the whole community in fact.

Click here to read the latest community Programme Update for Batticaloa.

Click here to read another story about mums in Batticaloa.