Become a sign of hope...

Become a sign of hope... | ChildFund New Zealand

It takes a truly remarkable person to spend a lifetime doing good, and to keep helping others – even after they have gone. That's why I’m honoured to share the incredible example of Joan Murphy with you. 

Joan was a long-standing ChildFund New Zealand supporter who sponsored a young girl in Ethiopia and who donated to urgent appeals whenever she could. She had a favourite saying: 'Be a sign of hope and share your heart. Your love and every dollar shared will bring life and love, not just to a child but to their families and their communities.’ 

Over 15 years, Joan helped hundreds of children and their families thrive.

We must acknowledge both Joan and her late husband Bob. A few months ago, I met with two of Joan’s sons. They reminisced about their parents’ good example and the values they’d instilled in their children. They marveled at their mother’s commitment to families in need and her passion for helping young parents who needed support. We laughed as they recalled the image of their father: his eyebrows raised in silence as he circulated a collection box for each of the Murphy children to donate their pocket money during Sunday dinners.

Joan sadly passed away in June 2018 but her example lives on forever. The Murphy family celebrated Joan’s legacy with a generous bequest to help children and families in Betio, Kiribati. Joan’s gift is being used to provide clean water and water-testing kits, practical support for young parents, and a youth learning centre that will lead to better job opportunities and brighter futures in Betio.

Now more than ever, legacy gifts like Joan’s are essential. Each of these gifts means that we can keep helping the people who need us most – not just now, but decades into the future when you and I are no longer here. For today, though, my focus is on Joan Murphy and her incredible compassion. Imagine being able to help future generations of children and families thanks to the decisions you make today.

What a legacy to leave!

If you would to leave a gift in your Will or simply would like more information, get in touch with the team at or give the team a call on 0800 808 822.