5 tips for writing a loveable letter to your sponsored child

5 tips for writing a loveable letter to your sponsored child | ChildFund New Zealand

As a child sponsor, we encourage you to send out a variety of letters and cards (throughout the year) to your sponsored child. Receiving cards and letters means so much to them that their faces literally light up, with beaming smiles from ear to ear.

Children particularly love it when you ask them about their lives, i.e. their hobbies, interests, family lives, as well as their favourite subjects at school. It’s just as important that you share a piece of your life with them and tell them a little bit about New Zealand, along with a few of your pictures. Don’t worry about writing a long letter; they’re happy to know you’re actually thinking about them.

Keep the following tips in mind when writing your letter:

  • begin with your child's name and I.D. number
  • learn about your child's country so you have something to writeavoid writing about luxuries your child may never experience, such as extravagant trips
  • be mindful of asking sensitive questions, such as: Why did your mom/dad leave home?
  • keep in mind that all letters will be monitored in keeping with our Policy for Keeping Children Safe

And, when mailing the letter, make sure to:

  • send flat gifts such as photographs, stickers, postcards or other similar items
  • avoid sending cash and gifts, which could be stolen or incur hefty import fees
  • send letters to the international mailing address noted in your Welcome Package
  • use international postage to ensure your letter reaches its destination

Remember, your sponsored child loves exchanging letters, pictures and stories. It means so much to your sponsored child and helps build a relationship that neither of you will forget. Eventually, you may choose to meet your sponsored child and see the difference you’ve made in their life, before they become self-sufficient and graduate from our program.

With all of these tips in mind, why not start writing a letter today? Not only will you get some satisfaction from starting the process, your sponsored child will love you for it.

Give us a call if you'd like to chat about other ways you can connect with your sponsored child. Our number is 0800 808 822. Or, if you'd prefer, you can always email us at info@childfund.org.nz